I am looking for a person to come and live here as cohousing.
Number of residents
Age of residents
Between 40 and 50
Are living with us
Something more about your co-residents
I am the current resident. I am divorced and live here alone.
I no longer work. After an accident
I have a disability benefit (but I can still do everything) I swim, walk and cycle regularly
These things we like to do togther
The atmosphere is pleasant.
50 meters from the beach for a nice walk.
Swimming pool, shopping street nearby.
Blankenberge within walking distance,
We are looking for someone who
A nice, sweet, well-groomed lady
Students welcome
Kids welcome
pets welcome
Smoking inside allowed
domicile possible
I am looking for a person to come and live here as cohousing.
Province: West-Vlaanderen
Town: Wenduine
Street: Manitobastraat 6/201
Interesting places nearby
Walking on the beach, the dunes and in the forest 🌳
Quiet cycle paths more inland with many streams.
Blankenberge is also beautiful. 4 km from my home
Easy. Public transport (coastal tram) and also the train from Blankenberge takes you everywhere