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Looking for 2 x 1 roommate in the Brouwershuis in Vierseldijk

Type of cohouse

Private room + shared house

Personal space

- Room 1 has south-facing windows on the street side and measures 4m70 x 3m60 and costs €375.
- Room 3 has windows on the west and north and has a view of the garden of the Old Brewery. This room measures 4m70 x 4m00 and costs €395. The room measures 4m70 x 4m00, is unfurnished and has a sink. If desired, some furniture is available (bed, cupboard, chairs).

The room is rented to one person each time. Pets are not allowed.

The rental price does not include costs for gas, electricity, water and internet. Costs are charged according to actual consumption, shared by the residents. The commission for this is currently €100. Tenants liability insurance contribution €7.50.

The rental price is 395 euros / month. This excludes costs for gas, electricity, water and internet. Costs are charged according to actual consumption, shared by the residents. The commission for this is currently €100. Tenants liability insurance contribution €7.50.

Common parts

The Brouwershuis is a community house where 3 residents each rent their own room and use the rest of the living area communally.

It is located next to the Hovorst domain (forest area). The Brouwershuis is also located right next to the Old Brewery (which is a non-profit organization where people seek peace and reflection, so we are looking for quiet residents).

Together with the 2 roommates, you will have a pleasant sitting room on the first floor (5m20 x 4m80) and a rustic bathroom (3m60 x 2m70) with bath/shower, sink and toilet. On the ground floor there is a spacious living room (4m80 x 8m80), a kitchen with laundry room and a covered terrace. There is no garden.

Central heating, hot water and gas stove. There is also a wood-burning stove in the living room. 1 year rental contract.

We are looking for a quiet tenant who does not smoke indoors and shares the house in a good manner with the 2 other residents, for example by adhering to the house agreements regarding... cleaning, rest, etc. We are looking for someone without financial or psychological problems. Candidates can register by email in which you introduce yourself in more detail and also provide an idea of motivation and expectations. Contact address: If you have any questions, you can also call 03 484 33 41.



  • Kitchens: 1
  • Bathrooms: 1
  • Garden/patio
  • Washing machine
  • Internet/Wifi
  • Free parking
In nature