Automatic translation

Room in Pelt

Type of cohouse

Private room + shared house

Personal space

The room is large enough to add a living room and/or desk if desired.

Common parts

I am looking for a roommate here in Pelt. I only rent the ground floor and as you can see, this is quite sufficient for 2 (possibly 3) people. There is a spacious basement for possible storage and a separate garage for bicycles.

Oh and I know the pictures look like the house is in the middle of the green, but that's not the case. A very nice garden and pleasant neighbors on both sides ;)


  • Kitchens: 1
  • Bathrooms: 1
  • Private-furnished
  • Digital Tv or Netflix
  • Dishwasher
  • Washing machine
  • Internet/Wifi
  • Bicycle storage
  • Free parking
In nature