Automatic translation

Peace, simplicity and beauty

Type of cohouse

Private room + shared house

Personal space

room dimensions 3.5x4.25

Not furnished, the price is €350 + shared expenses (EGW & internet)

If you want the room furnished, we can make an arrangement.

Common parts

Temporary room for rent! (1-3 months or to be discussed)

Place to be, Anzegem (front of station, rear view of the foot of the Flemish Ardennes)

- spacious & relaxing
- close to hiking trail & forest
- private parking
- new construction
- a dishwasher
- underfloor heating
- salvage
- right across the station
- living room overlooks the fields
- pets negotiable
- this is rather for people who love/are looking for peace, simplicity and silence (and beauty, clean + tidy environment)


  • Kitchens: 1
  • Bathrooms: 1
  • Private-furnished
  • Garden/patio
  • Dishwasher
  • Washing machine
  • Internet/Wifi
  • Bicycle storage
  • Storage possible
  • Free parking
  • Cleaning
In nature