Cozy apartment in the center of Antwerp

Type of cohouse

Private room + shared house

Personal space

House with a double bed and a big closet. Also you have available a desk in the living room.

Common parts

📌 It's nicely located : Frans Halsplein, close to the city center, the train station and multiple tram stations (Opera), shopping street (Meir) (within less than 5 minutes by bike) and in a calm/safe area

🏡 The appartment is fully equiped with two bedrooms, lot of storage, kitchen, washing machine, dishwasher, dryer, furnitures and there is a garage for bikes


  • Kitchens: 1
  • Bathrooms: 1
  • Private-furnished
  • Digital Tv or Netflix
  • Dishwasher
  • Washing machine
  • Dryer
  • Internet/Wifi
  • Bicycle storage
In nature