Automatic translation

Dodoens - Private bath and shower

Type of cohouse

Private room and shower + shared house

Personal space

Each room has a spacious built-in wardrobe, desk, double bed and a private bathroom. This room is the biggest and has a luxury bathroom with shower and bath.

Common parts

In Dodoens you have space. Not only the bedrooms but also the common area have all been created to give a feeling of space. Furthermore, the house is full of authentic elements that take you on a walk through the architecture of the last centuries. We chose to renovate the house with a sense of serenity and unity to create a sense of tranquility and timelessness.


  • Kitchens: 1
  • Bathrooms: 1
  • Private-furnished
  • Garden/patio
  • Digital Tv or Netflix
  • Dishwasher
  • Washing machine
  • Dryer
  • Internet/Wifi
  • Bicycle storage
  • Storage possible
  • BBQ
  • Cleaning
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